Josef Rut, a lieutenant colonel in the army medical corps, tasked architect Čeněk Musil with designing a terraced home in Fügnerova Street. The drawing of plans and actual construction was carried out over the course of 1927. On the first floor of the two-storey building, situated with zero setback on the street line of “Station Avenue”, was built the private apartment of the owner. It comprised four rooms, a kitchen and pantry, WC/bathroom, and a balcony. The ground floor was used as the proprietor’s medical surgery.
Compared to the nearby houses nos. 485 (VP486) and 486 (VP486), finished a year later, this is distinguished by its triangular gable above an oriel window, projecting from the centre of the façade – a feature typifying the architect’s first creative period and which in 1927 was now drawing to a close (see, e.g., the nearby building of today’s Municipal library /VP400/). At the same time, there are already bold surrounds using cornices on the first-floor windows, signature features of the second phase we can begin to observe in Musil’s work.
- Jaroslav Mencl, Historická topografie města Jičína: dějiny Jičína (část II) , Jičín 1948–1949, p. 351
- Milan Kudyn, Architekt Čeněk Musil a jeho meziválečná tvorba v Jičíně , Olomouc 2006, p. 48