In the first decade of the 20th century, in a newly marked out street which would later be named after the writer Svatopluk Čech, an ensemble of detached homes appeared, with raised ground floors and upper storeys situated along the line of the street. The architect and building contractor behind these homes, built in the years 1904–1908 was a local man, Josef Novotný, collaborating with Václav Fejfar (house nos. 251, 265, 268, VP251, VP265, and VP268) and Karel Vorel (house no. 290, VP290). In terms of layout and ornamentation, the first two in particular have much in common. As of writing, house nos. 251, 265 and 268 have well preserved street facades whose stucco ornamentation uses typical Art Nouveau motifs. Here, historicist elements are muted. Opposite is house no. 90, which also has its street frontage in good condition – a remarkable example of the enduring popularity of historicist features even at the end of the first decade of the 20th century.
- Jaroslav Mencl, Historická topografie města Jičína: dějiny Jičína (část I) , Jičín 1939–1941, p. 362
Informační adresář města Jičína