“The establishment of a new municipal quarter is assumed below the lime-tree alley opposite the barracks, which by virtue of its location should be rapidly utilised. Particularly advantageous is the direct connection between this quarter and the railway station,” explains Čeněk Musil in the accompanying text to the Regulatory Plan (Regulační plán města Jičína), discussing the planned municipal quarter in the area east of the lime-tree alley. The quarter was to have its focal point in the form of a square, directly bordering the alley. Optically, it would be an autonomous space, with a certain degree of intimacy ensured by buildings whose frontages projected into the street forming “arcades”, such as those realised, for example, in Prague’s Dejvice on the street Jugoslávských partyzánů. On the eastern end of the square was planned a large public building, standing in front of which was a church belonging to the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. Sufficient separation, which would lend the building an air of monumentality, was guaranteed by the very rectangular square adjacent to the lime-tree alley on its shortest side. The space was to have been given a park-like finish along its length, with a practically designed system of paths for pedestrians and a concert pavilion. Access to the new quarter would have been granted by roads running parallel along the longer sides of the square, between wide pavements and the park. The quarter was intended to be developed partly with blocks and partly with villas, whose frontages would follow the line of the street, and which together would form extensive terraced blocks. The character of the quarter would nicely match the already existing built-up area of Valdické Předměstí.
- Eva Chodějovská, Milan Kudyn, Čeněk Musil: Regulační plán města Jičína, Praha 2010
- Gabriela Petrová, Eva Chodějovská, Architekt Čeněk Musil, Jičín 2017