This building plot on the edge of town, beside the road heading out to Sobotka, was bought by Kateřina Seifertová, wife of a Jičín baker, from Theodora Němcová, who was intending to build her own villa on the adjacent plot (HP150). The house, designed and built by local building contractor Karel Mareš, was awarded its certificate of occupancy in 1909.
Since construction, this single-storey villa with attic living space has undergone only minimal alteration. Although the original form has not been retained in its entirety, we still have an opportunity to observe the attractive architectural solutions of the building, formed by the intersection of several cubic masses. These vary by height and also in their combination of gable and tented roofs, where the outward-jutting parts of the roofs on the street frontage are supported on brackets set on a profiled cornice. The corners of each block are accentuated by pilasters, with ornaments in their upper reaches using geometrical Art Nouveau designs. Above the windows on the western side of the street frontage are additionally used Art Nouveau plant motifs, while between the windows is situated a stucco mascaron in the form of a girl’s head. The house entrance, sheltered by a projecting roof, is centrally located, inside a section set further back. The building has partially preserved original windows and front double doors with a transom window. The building is an attractive combination of Neo-Renaissance and Art Nouveau features.
- Jaroslav Mencl, Historická topografie města Jičína: dějiny Jičína (část II) , Jičín 1948–1949, p. 93
- Eva Bílková, Pod Valdickou branou: fakta o nejznámějších jičínských osobnostech, spolcích, stavbách, institucích, školách, událostech , Jičín 2004, p. 31
- Vladimír Úlehla, Procházka jičínským hřbitovem , Jičín 2012, p. 49-51
Informační adresář města Jičína