The buildings at nos. 152, 153 and 156 in Smetanova Street were erected in the years 1911–1912. They were designed and built by local building contractor Karel Vorel. All three designs followed the regulations governing the district: they were designed and built as single-storey buildings with attic living spaces, detached, and standing on the line of the street. Their decorative features combine historicist and Art Nouveau elements. Probably the most valuable and interesting building in this street is at no. 152 (HP152), which has almost entirely preserved its external appearance, and which stands out primarily thanks to its decorative frontage that combines Neo-Renaissance and Art Nouveau styles, with its dormer anointed by a ridge turret. Another building whose character has remained similarly intact is no. 153 (HP153), despite the roof superstructure and modifications (2005); the façade has also been sensitively renovated.
- Jaroslav Mencl, Historická topografie města Jičína: dějiny Jičína (část II) , Jičín 1948–1949, p. 59
Informační adresář města Jičína