Just like the buildings on Svatopluka Čecha, the houses on the southern section of today’s Vrchlického Street shot up in the years 1910–1913. These buildings, apart from no. 314 (VP314), were the work – on the drawing board as well as onsite – of local developer Karel Vorel, who had already bought other plots previously nearby (VP335, VP337, VP347, and VP348). The most noteworthy of these houses is the one at no. 335 (VP335), although the remainder also have impressively designed facades. No. 348 is the only house in Jičín to employ mock timber-frame ornamentation, executed in Art Nouveau stylised curves. A common feature to all the above-mentioned buildings are the remarkable entrance verandas, or else balconies and roofed terraces.
- Jaroslav Mencl, Historická topografie města Jičína: dějiny Jičína (část II) , Jičín 1948–1949, p. 358
Informační adresář města Jičína